Some selected publications.


    Games & Gaming: an introduction to new media, (2010), London: Berg.

  • Mobile Media in the Asia-Pacific: Gender and the Art of being Mobile
    , (2009) London: Routledge.


    Richardson, I., L. Hjorth & H. Davies (2021) Games & Gaming Cultures. London: SAGE

  • Hjorth, L. & I. Richardson (2020) Ambient Play. Cambridge: MIT Press.

  • Hjorth, L., I. Richardson, Davies, H & W. Balmford (2020) Exploring Minecraft. New York: Palgrave.

  • Hjorth, L et al. (2020) Digital Media Practices in Households. Amsterdam: Amsterdam Uni Press.

  • Hjorth, L. Harris, A., Jungnickel, K. & G. Coombs (2019) Creative Practice Ethnographies. London: Rowman & Littlefield.

  • Hjorth, L. & S. Hinton (2019) Understanding Social Media: Second Edition. London: SAGE.

  • Cumiskey, K. & L. Hjorth (2018) Haunting Hands. Oxford: Oxford Uni Press.

  • Hjorth, L., S. Pink, K. Sharp & L. Williams (2016) Screen Ecologies. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.

  • Pink, S., H. Horst, J. Postill, L. Hjorth, T. Lewis & Jo Tacchi (2016) Digital Ethnography: Principles and Practices, London: SAGE.


    Hjorth, L., de Souza e Silva, A. and K. Lanson (eds) (2020) The Routledge Companion to Mobile Art. NY: Routledge.

  • Hjorth, L., Horst, H., Galloway, A. & G. Bell (2016) The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography. NY: Routledge.

  • Hjorth, L. & O. Khoo (eds) (2016) The Routledge Handbook to New Media in Asia. NY: Routledge.


Co-design Workshops

