Hjorth has over twenty five years experience working collaboratively on interdisciplinary projects in the Asia-Pacific region. She combines ethnography with creative work to examine everyday mobile media practices. Hjorth’s international contribution to the fields of mobile media and mobile art has been recognised through grants, awards, publications, keynotes and professional activities. 

Hjorth has worked collaboratively in the Asia-Pacific region on cross-cultural art projects and has been awarded twenty national (i.e. Australia Council for the Arts, Asialink) and international (i.e. Pora and Japan Foundation) grants and fellowships (BK Korea, Gyeonggi Creation Center, Akiyoshidai, Ssamzie, AFC and Fudan University research fellow). As an established artist before coming to the academy, Hjorth’s commitment to public engagement and community impact is evident in more than twenty five years of international exhibitions and curation. 

Selected projects: