Waiting for Immediacy (2007)


Yonsei University, Seoul.


In 2007 — during a fellowship at Yonsei University — Hjorth explored the rise of the haptic sense (touch) evolving around mobile media practices and how urban spaces worldwide are being transformed by localised camera phone and texting exercises. In the wake of the rise of camera phones and so-called ‘immediate’ photography (and editing, deleting etc), this project sought to consider the ‘poetics of delay’ in the ‘waiting for immediacy’ culture. This project, called waiting for immediacy, consisted of Hjorth doing the ‘exercises’ that people do when they take camera phone pictures and text in public spaces. Hjorth made prototypes based on these exercises mixed with aerobics and martial art styles that then became micro-movies.

Download the catalogue here.




Snapshots: Portrait of the Mobile