Mobile Play (2014)

Mobile Play was a site-specific mobile game that utilised Twitter and Instagram as part of wayfinding process. Inside and outside the gallery space water splashes were placed. Audiences had five minutes to find, photograph and upload as many images of the water splashes as possible. For those that didn’t have mobile phones, the Mobile Play room was equipped with pens, paper, and tape for participants to make and leave maps of their journey around the water splashes.

Mobile Play was part of the Australian Research Council Linkage Grant, Spatial DialoguesSpatial Dialogues explored the environmental, social and cultural significance of water in three cities in the Asia-Pacific region: Melbourne, Shanghai and Tokyo. The various works across numerous locations sought to provide a space for audiences to reflect upon water and the environment in new ways. Mobile Play was part of the final exhibition component at RMIT Project space, Melbourne, July 2014.


Playful Intervention Workshops


Keitai Mizu