Feetings as action (2020)
June—August 2020
52 Artists 52 Actions, Artspace, online
Throughout the COVID-19 shutdown, for many it has been walks and feetings (walking meetings) through their neighbourhoods that has helped to keep them sane. The act of walking curates our everyday rhythm into what can be described as ‘sensemaking’, the process of assigning meaning to collective experiences.
Feetings as actions invited audiences to tell a story of these collective experiences through feetings, sanity walks and wayfaring (the act of travelling on foot) to help us make sense of what, at times, appears to be a senseless world. The project is an ode to the art of feetings and wayfaring that are ephemeral monuments to our individual and collective sensemaking during COVID19.
During the open call, audiences were invited to share maps of their wayfaring, feetings and sanity walks. These maps include drawings, photos, and sketches that reflect each contributors journey and tell the story of how we have been making sense of the world through wayfaring. Below are some examples of the crowdsourced sense mapping.
View the Instagram page here.
A selection of the crowdsourced submissions were presented as part of Artspace’s 52 ARTISTS 52 ACTIONS online project from 27 July – 2 August 2020. The project invited 52 artists and collectives across Asia to respond to important concerns in their local contexts.
View the online exhibition here.